
Princess – a VERY sweet tabby. It is common for people to consider these marking to be an orange kitten rather than red. Rightly so. She certainly looks more orange than red, but red is what the experts say. If you notice the capital M on her forehead, this identifies her as a tabby.

As of this photo in February, 2020, Princess was perhaps 10 or 11 months old. This was her very first visit deep into the house, but look how calm and socialized she was. She is very sweet and affectionate, with no signs that she is an outdoors only cat and no signs that she was ever feral.
It was very difficult to guess how old she was when I first saw her in July 2019 – perhaps around 20 weeks. She was so skinny and starving she might have appeared to be younger than she actually was. Like all the other community cats at the Feral Project, she was scared to death.
Her first visit in the house lasted about 3 hours, and were captured on short videos you can see at the SOCIALIZING page. As you can see in the videos, she is now rather tubby with plenty of body fat to combat the winter cold; I’ll have to reduce her feedings now that spring is right around the corner. They’ve been spoiled.